Jw Hindi Song

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  • (See MUSIC.) About one tenth of the entire Bible is song, the foremost examples being the Psalms, The Song of Solomon, and Lamentations. While the Scriptures do refer to secular songs, songs of contempt and of seduction, the majority of the Bible's some 300 references to the subject relate to the worship of Jehovah.
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  • Original (and sometimes imaginative) arrangements and renditions of our favorite songs!
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A composition including music and words; a poetic composition. (See MUSIC.) About one tenth of the entire Bible is song, the foremost examples being the Psalms, The Song of Solomon, and Lamentations. While the Scriptures do refer to secular songs, songs of contempt and of seduction, the majority of the Bible's some 300 references to the subject relate to the worship of Jehovah God. In the main, singing is associated with joy, as when the disciple James wrote: 'Is there anyone in good spirits? Let him sing psalms [songs of praise to God].' (Jas 5:13) Songs expressing sorrow might more properly be termed dirges.​—Am 8:10; see DIRGE.

The first song recorded in the Bible was that sung by Moses and the men of Israel, to which Miriam and the women responded, upon their deliverance at the Red Sea. (Ex 15:1-21) Among others are Moses' farewell song, Deborah and Barak's victory song, and David's dirge lamenting the death of Saul and David's dear friend Jonathan. (De 31:30; 32:1-43; Jg 5:1-31; 2Sa 1:17-27) Additional compositions of David include at least 73 of the Psalms. The Bible also refers to 'the song of Jehovah,' mentioned in connection with Hezekiah's restoration of pure worship, as well as the ‘song of Moses and the Lamb.'​—2Ch 29:27; Re 15:3, 4.

References to 'a new song' appear not only in the Psalms but also in the writings of Isaiah and the apostle John. (Ps 33:3; 40:3; 96:1; 98:1; 144:9; 149:1; Isa 42:10; Re 5:9; 14:3) An examination of the context surrounding most occurrences of the expression 'new song' reveals that such is sung because of a new development in Jehovah's exercise of his universal sovereignty. As joyfully proclaimed in Psalm 96:10: 'Jehovah himself has become king.' The new developments in Jehovah's extension of his kingship, as well as what these signify for heaven and earth, appear to be the subject of this 'new song.'​—Ps 96:11-13; 98:9; Isa 42:10, 13.

Update 06/11/2016: We really love singing! Recently, three new songs were released and will be added to our Sing to Jehovah songbook. We thought that it will be completed at 150 songs but it seems several songs are still waiting to be added. Stay tuned and keep the pace brothers!
Update 02/06/2016: All the songs were announced! You can now download the orchestra mp3 at JW.org website. On the other hand, music video with vocals can be watched or downloaded at tv.jw.org (JW Broadcasting) website. Enjoy brothers!
By the way, you can download these new songs with vocals in mp3 format. Visit the following link:
Download Sing to Jehovah - New Songs (with Vocals) in MP3 Format
Our songbook has been revised many times during the past decades. The last revision was on 2009 when we replaced our 'Sing Praises to Jehovah' (1984 songbook with 225 songs) with 'Sing to Jehovah' songbook. Originally, the latest has 135 songs (42 of which are new), but on October 2014, we are happy to receive the announcement that a revised songbook will be released soon. They released the first three songs afterwards. It is believed that 15 new songs will be added. Here is the list of the new songs:
Song 136 - The Kingdom is in Place - Let it Come!
Song 137 - Grant Us Boldness
Song 138 - Jehovah is Your Name
Song 139 - Teach Them to Stand Firm
Song 140 - The Life of a Pioneer

Jw Hindi Songs

Song 141 - Searching for Friends of Peace
Song 142 - Preaching to All Sorts of People

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Song 142 - Preaching to All Sorts of People

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Song 143 - Light in a Darkened World
Song 144 - It Means Their Life
Song 145 - Preparing to Preach
Song 146 - You Did It For Me
Song 147 - A Special Possession
Song 148 - You Gave Your Only-Begotten Son
Song 149 - Grateful for the Ransom

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Song 150 - Reaching Out
Song 151 - The Revealing of God's Sons
Song 152 - Our Strength, Our Hope, Our Confidence
Song 153 - How Does It Make You Feel?

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Song 154 - We Will Keep Enduring
Some songs are not yet released but we are going to update this page as soon as they are announced. After this, the 'Sing to Jehovah' songbook will be composed of 154 songs. Stay tuned!
Sources: JW.org / JW Broadcasting / Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of Pennsylvania

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